We’re calling on local people to ditch Black Friday and instead join others across the country to show support for the more sustainable and affordable Buy Nothing New Day, also held this year on 27 November.
In contrast to Black Friday, which sees customers rushing to make impulse purchases as retailers slash their prices for one day, Buy Nothing New Day aims to raise awareness of consumerism and encourage customers to shop more ethically, using their spending power to have a positive impact.
Emmaus Coventry & Warwickshire sells a wide-range of good-quality pre-loved items, specialising in furniture and homeware. While our shop on Red Lane in Coventry is closed through lockdown, our charity is selling more items on eBay. Pictured above is companion Phil, busy preparing items to sell on eBay.
second lockdown has meant we’re losing vital income from our charity shop in Coventry. We really hope that local people will show their support for Buy Nothing New Day by browsing our eBay shop this Black Friday, instead of buying new. Second-hand doesn’t necessarily mean second-best and we’re working really hard to put up as many quality items as possible.
The funds generated from selling donated items help us to provide a home, meaningful work, daily support and funded training for 18 people who have experienced homelessness or social exclusion. Some stay for a while as they gain confidence and skills before they feel ready to move on to independent living; others are in need of longer-term support and are able to stay for as long as they need to.