Emmaus Hull & East Riding is appealing for items to support vulnerable people this Christmas.
Our community is appealing for donations of items from the public and businesses to support people who are street homeless, Ukrainian children and elderly local residents.
Kelly Finnis, Director of Emmaus Hull & East Riding, said: “This year, instead of fundraising for our own charity, we have decided to support three causes close to our hearts. Items donated to our Christmas Appeal will bring some respite and hopefully smiles to vulnerable adults and children in our area. Our community is collecting and distributing these items as part of our solidarity activities to help people and groups most in need.”
People supported by Emmaus, known as companions, live within the community building on Lockwood Street and are offered the opportunity to gain skills, confidence and new experiences. The concept of solidarity, helping others in greater need, is central to the Emmaus ethos and a motivation for the charity’s Christmas Appeal.
Emmaus Hull & East Riding are collecting items to support three groups of people in need. We aim to fill 25 festive hampers for elderly residents, collect toys and games to share as presents with Ukrainian refugee children and distribute donations of warm clothes and new underwear to people who are street homeless.
As well as supporting formerly homeless people within their residential community, Emmaus Hull & East Riding also delivers a rough sleeper outreach service. Trained support workers meet people who are street homeless across East Riding to offer friendly advice, items, signposting and access to further support.
Casey Fawcett, Outreach Team Leader at Emmaus Hull & East Riding, said: “As winter sets in and temperatures start to plumet, the people we meet on the streets face increasing risks to their health and wellbeing. Hats, gloves, scarves, clothes, fresh socks and underwear provide some extra protection and we’re appealing for donations of these items to share with the people we support on the streets.”
To support our Christmas Appeal, call 01482 223722 or donate items at Emmaus’s three Hull charity stores.