Darren’s lockdown experience – September 2020

Emmaus Oxford provides active support to 28 formerly homeless people. We offer a real, alternative solution to homelessness that works; providing people with a home for as long as they need it and meaningful work in one of our social enterprises where they gaining valuable experience, new skills and a route into independence.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, our store was closed for three months but the support we provided to the people at Emmaus continued. In this video, Darren, who is a companion at Emmaus Oxford, talks about his lockdown experience and gives thanks to everyone who has supported us throughout this time.


Hannah’s thank you – September 2020

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Terryl’s story – December 2018

Formerly homeless man Terryl shares his honest account of homelessness, his experience of night shelters, and how Emmaus Oxford helped him turn his life around.